Visions of Trane
Exhibition at New Art Corridor
VISIONS OF TRANE is an exhibition that prompts visual artists to consider some of the qualities inherent in Black music. Regarded as one of the most advanced improvisers in modern music, John Coltrane’s deep explorations have raised the bar for music around the world. The principles of improvisation are especially important because it must now be rescued from the all-too-common public regard as a ‘simple’, ‘off-handed’ effort, or even an accident. And these notions affect not only music, but visual production. The musical genius of 20th century Black musicians have made an enormous contribution to musicians’ thinking and performing. But, how do its principles play out in the visual art realm? Visions of Trane is offered in a desire to learn more about this relationship.
You are invited to participate in this group exhibition. To apply, listen carefully and in a new way to this live performance of John Coltrane with his iconic quartet in performance in Belgium in 1965. Select an excerpt and create a work inspired by that selection. In your submission, identify the selected excerpt by its timing (ie, 2:35 – 4:20).
New Art will host an opening reception on July 20 from 6 PM to 8 PM at the New Art Corridor, located at 245 Walnut St. Newtonville, MA 02460.
Submission Deadline: 11:59 PM, Thursday, June 1, 2023
Submit up to 5 works of any medium of art
All work selected for in-person display must be gallery-ready with d-rings
If selected for in-person exhibition, artists will be responsible for transporting work to and from the New Art Corridor.
Maximum size for 2D: 50″W x 65″H.
Maximum size for 3D: 10″W x 20″H x 10″D.
Digital selections will require high quality photos in .jpeg format, named LastName_FirstName_Title.jpeg, and the dimensions of the piece.
Photos’ smallest side should be at least 600px.
Photos should be clear, well lit, not blurry, and no glares from lighting.
2D works – Photo should be cropped to artwork’s edges so only artwork is visible.
3D works – Artwork should be photographed against a clean, white or black background so only artwork is visible.