

My feature in Point of Departure journal

I’m excited to be featured in this month‘s issue of the online music journal Point of Departure. Thank you Bill Shoemaker for your great writing and your soulful dedication to creative music!

Click here to read the article.

Terry Jenoure & Flame

I’m excited to be performing with my trio Flame featuring Joe Fonda (bass) and Reggie Nicholson (drums) on June 29, 8pm at Zürcher Gallery; 33 Bleecker St.; NY, NY 10012.

We’ll collaborate on a series I started in 2023 entitled Miracles. The project uses words and images to guide improvised sound as we explore the contours and colors of landscapes. From my Grand Canyon-inspired duet release Miracle on the South Rim with Angelica Sanchez (piano), to my trio’s interpretation of the New England biosphere, Miracles is an honoring of endangered environments.

This program is supported by Continuum Culture & Art, Inc. with support from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

Freedom Songwriting | Saturday, June 1, 9:30-12:30 | Free! Part of the Women Healing Women Healing Earth Series.

I’m so please to be leading my Freedom Songwriting workshop through Seeds of Solidarity on their bountiful land in Orange, MA. Please join us if you’re in town!

Good news!

I’ve been accepted at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA) for a two week residency in the fall. I’ll be working on a new body of music in an amazing environment. Very exciting!

I’m honored to be included int his powerful compilation. Much gratitude!


Join me for The Freedom & Peace Songwriting Workshop at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies June 9-14


Group singing has been central to social movements throughout history. It is how communities show solidarity and gather momentum for worthy causes.

Experience the excitement of writing and singing your own freedom and peace songs with musician, writer, and educator Terry Jenoure. In this workshop, we follow a simple formula: Drawing inspiration from traditional forms such as call and response, rounds, and other styles, we collaborate to create our own joyful works and then we sing them as a group. Through collaborative brainstorming, we discover themes, lyrics, melodies, and rhythms. Then, we place all of our passionate words onto the page and experience the unsurpassed power of group singing.

These songs highlight our deep desires for a peaceful world and equal treatment for all creatures. Our very own peace and freedom songs nourish us and lift us high. This is a workshop that merely calls for passion. No prior singing experience required. Every voice is welcome.

Visions of Trane | Opens Thursday, March 14th at the New Art Center, Newton, MA

Visions of Trane, a New Art Center exhibition curated by Terry Jenoure, highlights the history, vision, experimentation, and improvisation of John Coltrane through the marriage of contemporary art and music. 

Opening March 14th, Vision of Trane at the New Art Center Corridor hosts a variety of opportunities, including an opening reception on Thursday, March 14th, 2024 and an artist talk with curator Terry Jenoure, on Thursday, April 11th, 2024.

This exhibition is part of New Art Center’s BIPOC Curatorial Program, which enables Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to develop exhibitions that spark dialogue as well as share their personal vision and experiences.  The New Art Corridor Gallery is sponsored by Mass Cultural Council, Village Bank, and Mark Development. New Art’s BIPOC Curatorial Program is supported by Newton Cultural Council, Village Bank, and Harmony Foundation.

Thank you, Creative Capital!!

I’m honored to see my name listed among so many adventurous artists in today’s New York Times.


WRITE NOW! | experience the joy of writing with others

A 5-week online writing workshop with me, Terry Jenoure, Sunday mornings 10am-noon, February 4 - March 3, 2024. Series fee: $150.

Whether jumpstarting a project or simply searching for fresh ideas, this workshop series is for you. Come ready to write and ready to play!

Artist & Place Podcast with Kim Carlino

This interview by Kim Carlino for her podcast Artist & Place took place in the ECA Gallery during my exhibition “This Long Arc”.

Click here to listen.

WVIA Public Media artscene interview with Fiona Powell

This phone interview was about Secret to Life project and prior to my performance with Angelica Sanchez at the Weis Center for Performing Arts at Bucknell University.

Click here to listen.

The Daily Item article about upcoming Secret to Life performance at the Weis Center for Performing Arts at Bucknell University.

Click here to read the article.

Andrew Drury’s thoughts on Terry Jenoure & The Portal

“Terry Jenoure's performance was DEEP! Real Deal 1000%

I'm hoping she gets to do this all over the world if that's what she wants to do. I know audiences will be glad.

It was Terry, Angelica Sanchez, Wayne Smith, Avery Sharpe, Joe Fonda, and Reggie Nicholson.

She put together a powerful composition of verbatim text from her Grandpa's beautiful/painful letters, a powerful band, interesting melodic/rhythmic/form constructions. I loved how she allowed things to proceed from one to another, unpressured, allowed to be, which led quickly to a fantastically charged atmosphere. It was hard not to cry--poignant and powerful. 

Her command of the vocal art, storytelling art, violin art, band organizing art, heart art, knowing what to say and how to say it on a stage in an optimal way to my ears superlative. 

And courageous in that it feels no need to be showy or to make a big effort to be performative. She knows that she's got it and knows what she's doing and there's no need to mess around with superficiality. She trusts the ingredients, trusts spontaneity, and with subtle nudges moves the band into interesting predetermined ideas at the right times. 

And so many cool things--the vocal/drum trades, cello solos (Wayne Smith, damn!), piano solos, bass duo...Terry's vocal work in high register narrative mode, scatting in a lower register, on and on. A couple special treats for me were hearing Joe Fonda play flute (!) and just sitting back and enjoying Reggie Nicholson's unique sense of space and orchestration of sounds, both musicians who I've been listening to for nearly 40 years. 

Anyway, that's my take. This was truly the shit and reminds me why.”

Andrew Drury is a musician, composer, educator, and the Artistic Director of Continuum Culture & Arts, Inc.

Have you seen 50 Nifty & More?

Click here to read an interview Masterpiece in Progress

I was recently interviewed on the Roulette_Intermedium Podcast

Click the linked title to listen to Terry Jenoure: The Legacy Variations

Take a look at the recent article about my tour in the Greenfield Recorder!

Click the linked title to read A dream come true: Jazz musician Terry Jenoure of Northfield to embark on Northeast tour this summer.