With masters and doctoral degrees in education, Dr. Jenoure brings an unusual approach to her service as a teacher, workshop leader and consultant. For 20 years, she taught graduate level courses at colleges and universities preparing K-12 teachers to use the arts in their classrooms. Over a ten-year period as a consultant to agencies in Colombia, India, and South Africa, she trained social workers in the use of the arts for conflict resolution.
Fables for a New World
Fables teach about wisdom and folly. Through writing, visual images, sound, and movement, our collective artmaking will build new and original fables to guide us in the days ahead.. No prior experience in the arts is required.
Experiment with keystone principles of creativity and apply them to your daily life. Through sound, found and constructed objects, images, and words, we play freely with some essential principles that all jazz musicians know.
Opening The Voice
Join a collective music-making journey and apply improvisation and extended techniques for more imaginative vocalizing and for the simple joy of singing together.
Write For Your Life
Begin a memoir or explore your stories through creative non-fiction in a safe, encouraging atmosphere.
Sound For Change Ensemble
Build instrumental compositions that advocate for needed social change through the use of unconventional and personalized notation systems.
Make your own instrument from found objects and use them for any number of projects.
“I know immediately, as soon as I walk in front of a group what they need from me. It’s hard work meeting that demand, and I love that challenge.”
National Faculty; Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences; School of Education (Integrated Teaching and Learning Through the Arts) Lesley University; Cambridge, MA Courses: Integrated Teaching through the Arts; Multiple Perspectives on Music; Arts and Culture in Community; Educator Inquiry
Adjunct Faculty; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; School of Education; graduate level education course: An Arts Approach to Multicultural Education
Adjunct Faculty; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Afro American Studies Dept.; undergraduate level courses: Culturally Responsive Education through the Arts
“I love to lead… to help others see what I see and do what I do. There are few things more exciting than watching someone else grow. ”
Selected Arts & Education Workshops & Presentations
2018 Women In Arts Leadership Conference Arts Extension Service; UMass Amherst, MA
2016 Transcultural Exchange Conference Portfolio Reviewer; Boston, MA
2015 The Performance Project Workshop Facilitator for Teen Theater Ensemble; Springfield, MA
2010 Hampshire Correctional Facility Writing Workshop Facilitator; Chicopee, MA
2010 Academy of Music; keynote “Living Large through an Improvised Life” Northampton, MA
2010 Bela Abzug Leadership Institute; leadership workshop for women of color; New York, NY
2006-7 Somali Refugee Women’s Economic Development Project; NEW World Theater, U. of Massachusetts Amherst; Visual Arts Workshop);
2003 Sankofa: Afro Colombian Dance Company; Principles of Improvisation; Medellin, Colombia;
2003 Managing Complexity and Diversity in Language Teaching, Keynote English Language Teaching Conference, Medellin Colombia; Centro Colombo Americano
2003 Henry Martyn Institute Art for Community PeaceYouth Workshops, Hyderabad, India
2001 Tamulte Community Center Principles of Improvisation for Nikamba: Indigenous Dance Company of Tabasco, Youth Workshop, Tamulte, Mexico
2002 Antioch College; Teacher Workshop: Multicultural Education and the Arts; Keene, NH
2001 Lesley University; Symposium: Arts & Multicultural Education; Cambridge, MA 1997- 2011 Cape Town Gallery; Arts for Social Change Youth Poetry Workshop; Cape Town, South Africa
2001 Ekupholeni, Where We Live; Visual Art Workshop for Youth; Katlehong, South Africa,
2000 Antioch College; Creativity and Arts in the Multiage Classroom; Keene, NH
1996 Belchertown High School; Integrating the Arts into the Curriculum; Belchertown, MA
1995 Shallcross Creativity Institute; Opening the Voice; Hathfield, MA
1995 Westfield State College; Cultural Identity and Creative Expression, Professional Development Workshop, Westfield, MA
1995 Lesley University; Opening the Voice: Women's Creativity and Spirituality; Cambridge, MA
1991 Wayne State College; Introduction to Vocal Improvisation; Denver, CO
“As much as I love the electric charge of doing a solo performance, the power in collective art-making is incomparable! ”
Publications [authored by Jenoure]
2015 Mystical Humanity, in Giving Birth To Sound: Women in Creative Music; Buddy’s Knife
2012 Heat, in The Sun Magazine (Readers Write)
2011 Boxes, in The Sun Magazine (Readers Write)
2009 Blues in Bolero in Silent Solos: Improvisers Speak; Buddy’s Knife Press
2009 Angels for Dreams, in Go, Tell Michelle: Letters from African American Women to the New First Lady; edited by Barbara Nevergold, SUNY Press
2008 Hearing Jesusa’s Laugh, in Arts-based Research in Education: Foundations for Practice, edited by Melissa Cahnmann-Taylor and Richard Siegesmund, Routledge Press
2007 Feathers, in Dear Paulo: Letters from Those Who Dare Teach; edited by Sonia Nieto; Paradigm Publishers
2002 Sweeping the Temple: A Performance Collage, in Dancing the Data; Chapter and live performance contributions for Book/ CD ROM project Published by Peter Lang Publishing
2000 Navigators: African American Musicians, Dancers, and Visual Artists in Academe SUNY Press
1981-2 The Afro-American Fiddler, in New England Journal of Black Studies
“I teach the same way I make performances: I start with big ideas and fill in the small spaces compulsively and intuitively until that big idea has completely changed shape. ”
References to Terry Jenoure in Publications
2014 Patricia Leavy, Ph.D.,The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research, Oxford University Press
2013 Pat Schneider, How the Light Gets In: Writing as a Spritual Practice, Oxford Press
2013 Atkinson, Paul Anthony and Delmont, Sara, SAGE: Qualitative Research Methods (SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods)
2010 Amanda Schenstead, Performing Musical Liberation: The Flute and the Self in Improvisation Exploration and Music Therapy Practice, Wilfrid Laurier University, Music Therapy Department, thesis.
2010 Jones, Moore and Bridgforth (eds.) Experiments in a Jazz Aesthetic: Art, Activism, Academia and the Austin Project, University of Texas Press
2009 Patricia Leavy, Ph.D., Method Meets Art: Arts-Based Research Practice
2008 Charles Michael Sharp, “Improvisation, Identity and Tradition: Experimental Music Communities in Los Angeles” (Ph.D. dissertation/ U. of California, Los Angeles)
2008 Shane Cammell, What can I understand about children with special needs from the musical offerings that emerge in the music therapy process? New Zealand School of Music, thesis, Wellington, New Zealand
2006 Eds.,Theodorea Regina Berry and Nathalie D. Mizelle, From Oppression to Grace: Women of Color and Their Dilemmas in the Academy, Stylus Publishing
2006 Sonia Nieto, Teaching As Political Work: Learning from Caring and Courageous Teachers; The Longfellow Lecture, Child Development Institute, Sarah Lawrence College
2005 Adrienne D. Dixson, Extending the Metaphor: Notions of Jazz in Portraiture, in Qualitative Inquiry, February, 11: 106-137, Sage Publications
2005 Barbara L. Wheeler, Music Therapy Research, Barcelona Publishers
2003 Kathleen Vaughan, Making it Up as We Go Along: Reflections from Artists Learning to Teach, in Imagination in Education Research Group (IERG), July 16-19, Vancouver, BC
2001 Jyl Lynn Felman Never A Dull Moment: Teaching and the Art of Performance (Feminism Takes Center Stage), Routledge Press
1998 Gary Giddens, Visions of Jazz: The First Century, Oxford University Press
1996 Karen B. Donaldson, Through Students’ Eyes: Combatting Racism In United States Schools, Praeger Publishers
1995 Barry Kernfeld (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Recorded Jazz, 2nd Edition, Blackwell Publishers
1992 Joachim E. Berendt, The Jazz Book: From Ragtime to Fusion and Beyond, 8th Edition, Lawrence Hill Books